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Cours particuliers de Japonais
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Japanese tutor for beginners, I have the JLPT exam and I can provide all the resources and knowledge you need to get your first j Japanese Language Proficiency Certificate

Description des cours
?????! My name is Ioana and I am a Japanese Language tutor. I have been studying Japanese for 6 years now and interacted with several native speakers. I have all the materials and knowledge to guide you through your Japanese Language journey, especially if you are a total beginner! We will learn the basics of the Japanese language, including the writing systems, vocabulary, how to have a daily conversation and many things about the culture and tradition. My goal is to help you enjoy the process of learning this new language and if you want, to obtain your first Japanese Language Proficiency Test Certificate. I am open to teaching anyone, regardless of age. Don't worry, I will adapt to your rithm of studying so everything goes smoothly. I teach online and have all materials available for you on the computer. If you like anime, manga or just want to get into the fascinating world of Japanese culture, don't hesitate to contact me! ?????!??
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