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Meola en quelques mots
Languages are intuitive, the practice is the way for becoming fluently. I'll set my course o exigent basis, you can write me and we can decide how to structure it. I believe in the repetition acquire of vocabulary, many times you hear a word and more easily for you become use it. This course could be intensive because I don't speak French, I'm just attending some basis. Moreover I have a huge voc...
Languages are intuitive, the practice is the way for becoming fluently. I'll set my course o exigent basis, you can write me and we can decide how to structure it. I believe in the repetition acquire of vocabulary, many times you hear a word and more easily for you become use it. This course could be intensive because I don't speak French, I'm just attending some basis. Moreover I have a huge vocabulary of Italian due to my studying in law and a skill that we use is speaking formal Italian but with the capacity to comunicate with everyone.
Région de Meola
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